Embracing the Thrill of Off-Road Motorcycling: Tales of a Not-So-Expert Rider

Embracing the Thrill of Off-Road Motorcycling: Tales of a Not-So-Expert Rider - Rottweiler Motors

Philippe Hänni |

There's something undeniably exhilarating about off-road motorcycling. The roar of the engine, the rugged terrain, and the sheer freedom of the open trail create a unique blend of adrenaline and joy. Yet, despite my passion for this thrilling sport, I must confess: I'm not exactly the poster child for off-road prowess. In fact, I crash on the first day every single time, and last year, I even broke my shoulder plate like a true beginner on the third day. 

The Unlikely Off-Road Enthusiast

To say I'm a bad off-road driver is an understatement. My journey into the world of off-road motorcycling has been marked by more bumps and bruises than I care to count. But there's a certain charm in being the underdog of the trails. 

 A Love for Adventure

The first time I hopped on a dirt bike, I was hooked. The sense of adventure, the challenge of navigating unpredictable paths, and the camaraderie among riders were intoxicating. However, my skills never quite matched my enthusiasm. Each ride is a blend of excitement and a little bit of dread, knowing that a crash is almost inevitable.

The First-Day Curse

Without fail, I crash on the first day of every off-road trip. It's become a running joke among my riding buddies. Whether it's a misjudged turn, an unexpected rock, or just plain bad luck, the first day always ends with me dusting myself off and checking for injuries. It's as if my body needs to get the crash out of the way to settle into the ride.

The Big Crash: A Lesson in Resilience

Last year was particularly memorable for all the wrong reasons. I had been eagerly anticipating our annual off-road adventure. The first day, as expected, I had a minor spill. Nothing serious, just a bruised ego and a scratched bike. But as the days went on, I gained confidence and started to push my limits. 

The Shoulder Plate Incident

On the third day, feeling more confident than ever, I took on a particularly challenging section of the trail. In hindsight, my overconfidence was my downfall. I hit a rough patch, lost control, and went flying. The pain in my shoulder was immediate and intense. A trip to the hospital confirmed my worst fear: a broken shoulder plate. It was a humbling experience, reminding me of the fine line between confidence and recklessness.

Finding Joy in the Struggle

Despite the injuries and setbacks, my love for off-road motorcycling has only grown. There's a profound joy in conquering a tough trail, even if it means enduring a few falls along the way. The key is to embrace the journey, crashes and all, and learn from each experience.

Tips for Fellow Struggling Riders

For those who share my less-than-stellar off-road skills but still love the ride, here are a few tips:


  1. Stay Humble: Recognize your limitations and ride within them. Overconfidence can lead to unnecessary injuries.
  2. Gear Up: Always wear the right protective gear. It can make a huge difference when you take a spill.
  3. Practice Makes Perfect: Don't be discouraged by crashes. Use each one as a learning experience to improve your skills.
  4. Ride with Friends: Having a supportive group can make all the difference. They can offer advice, assistance, and a good laugh when you inevitably crash.


Off-road motorcycling is a sport that combines thrill, challenge, and camaraderie. Even if you're not the best rider, the joy of the ride makes every crash worth it. Embrace the bumps and bruises as part of the journey, and keep riding with a smile. After all, the love for the ride is what truly matters. And for my part it is a new passion i discovered and is now part of my life.

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